Official Competition Apparel Partner
Arena Swimming is the competition apparel provider for Crawfish Aquatics. This relationship with Arena benefits all of our athletes: from our most elite athletes traveling to National competitions all the way down the line to our beginning swimmers in the Novice groups.
What does this mean to all of you as members and family of this team?
1. Team Suits. Our Arena team suit is available in several cuts for the female and male suit allowing athletes to get their preferred fit while maintaining a uniform look.
2. Team Warm Ups. Junior and Senior level swimmers are encouraged to purchase warm up suits. The warm up has the Crawfish Aquatics logo and the option to add your name (jacket only purchase is an option).
3. Team Bag. Junior and Senior level swimmers are encouraged to purchase a team bag for competitions especially for travel to the state championship and out-of-state meets.
4. Championship Suits. There are three levels of championship style suits ranging from the basic and competitively priced ST to the highest level Carbon line suits.
What additional benefits are there to having an apparel sponsorship aside from having a specific uniform look?
1) Pricing will be discounted compared to MSRP and set by D&J Sports.
2) At least once per year a team representative will come to Crawfish Aquatics and help athletes with sizing or answer other questions on the product. This is very important when attempting to purchase a championship suit.
3) Crawfish Aquatics will get an extra 20% off items, Bags and Warm Ups, two times a year in addition to the prices that D&J Sports will sell to us. Those dates will be publicized in the eNews for several weeks leading to the discount time period.
4) For select meets including Sectionals, Juniors Nationals, Senior Nationals, and Olympic Trials, special meet discounts and free items will be available to those that qualify and attend the competition. These are the Team One Items.
5) Crawfish Aquatics will receive monetary credit to spend on Arena training equipment and gear based on how much the Crawfish Aquatics organization and the individual members spend through their DJ Sports purchase.
Other important information:
1) Parents are not required to wear anything Arena branded.
2) The Crawfish Aquatics logo may not be placed on any other non-Arena brand of swim suit, bag or warm up outfit where another brand logo is displayed.