Stats & Records
Crawfish Aquatics Team Records
Short Course Long Course
Louisiana State Records by CA Swimmers
Short Course Long Course
Full list of Louisiana State Records
National Rankings:
Individual Relays
Notable Accomplishments
- 7 Swimmers Qualified for Olympic Trials- Jill Thomas, Colin Bone, Amy Miller, Silas Dejean, Sam Stewart, Jayme Cramer, Jacques Rathle
- 28 Swimmers qualified for Junior Nationals
- 2 Swimmers on National Junior Team- Colin Bone 2016-2017 and Sam Stewart 2015-2016
- 9 Swimmers attended Zone Select Camp
- USA Swimming #SwimBiz Marketing Club of the Year, 2017
World 100 Award
Represents USA Swimming Top 100 athletes according to their 18 & Under World Rank.
- 2016, Colin Bone
- 2019, David Boylan & Jacques Rathle
USA Swimming Designations
- Historical rankings of USA Swimming designations for Crawfish Aquatics
- Club Excellence ratings annually recognizes a maximum of 200 clubs for their commitment to performance excellence. Clubs are rated based on the achievements of 18 & under athletes that achieve elite level time standards.
- 2022 Silver Level Club Excellence
- 10 time recipient of USA Swimming Club Excellence award: 4 Silver, 6 Bronze since the program began in 2006. - Club Recognition Status (Level I, II, III, IV) denotes a club’s efforts to achieve certain business, operational, and administrative benchmarks recognized as best practices for swim teams outside of the pool.
-Current Recognition Level: Level 3 designation since the Club Recognition program began in 2005 (with the highest level of 4). - Virtual Club Championship
-2023-2024 National Virtual Club Championship rank and score: 83 for Short Course and 53 for Long Course
