BR High School League

Spectator Reminders for High School Swim Meets
Walk Up Viewing Area- The first 2 garage door openings are designated as a "walk up/ walk away" viewing area for individual races. Please do not stand in this area for the duration of the meet. This viewing area needs to allow for rotation of viewers and spectators. See Map
Flash Photography- This is not allowed at the start of races or while swimmers are on the blocks (from ANY area of the pool deck, not just at the starting end). Flashes from a camera can cause a false start, which can result in a disqualification of a swimmer.
No Video/Photos from behind the blocks- This is an NHSAA, LHSAA and facility rule for the protection of the athletes. Video /Photography from the pool deck or hallway behind the blocks is not permitted.
Banners cannot be hung in indoor pool area.
No Dog Policy: Dogs are not allowed on the JSM campus, per our lessor, Jimmy Swaggert Ministries (this includes the Crawfish Aquatics parking lot and common areas and the drive from Anselmo to Bluebonnet that goes through the JSM facilities/lots).
2024 CCSL Championship Meet
Friday, November 1 and Saturday, November 2, 2024
- FRIDAY- Female Team Prelims
-Doors open for female team participants at 10:30am.
-Entry for spectators wil begin at 11:00am.
-Warm up, 11:00am -12:05pm. Meet begins, 12:15pm. - FRIDAY- Male Team Prelims
-Doors open for male team participants at 2:45pm.
-Entry for spectators will begin at 3:15pm.
-Warm up, 3:15-4:20pm warm up. Meet begins, 4:30pm. - SATURDAY- FINALS.
-Entry for swimmers will begin at 11:30am.
-Entry for spectators will begin at 12:00pm.
-Warm up, 12:00pm warm up. 1:15pm start - Entry Points:
-Swimmers will enter through the back hallway doors. Doors open 30 minutes prior to the start of warm up.
-Spectators enter the outdoor viewing area from either end/either entry point (by the outdoor pool or the Renaissance end).
-Gates open for Spectators at the start of the first warm up session.
-Purchase your ticket in advance for quicker entry!
-Spectator restrooms are available on the indoor pool deck across from the athlete locker rooms
Meet Documents
- Results All Sessions with Scores
- Results All Sessions
- TM File for Coaches
- Crawfish Parent Volunteer Sign up
- Meet Invitation
- LHSAA State Qualifying Times
- 2024 All Academic Team list
- Girls Psych Sheet
- Boys Psych Sheet
- Warm Up and Timing Assignments Prelims and Finals
- Team Seating Assignments (Prelims Only) No Spectators Please
Spectator Entry Information
Spectators will pay a gate fee to attend the Capital City Swim League Championships.
Spectator entry will begin at the start of warm up (11:00am Female Prelims, 3:15pm Male Prelims and 12:00pm Finals).
Entry Tickets will be purchased through i2 Tickets either as an online purchase or you can purchase a ticket at the gate the day of the competition. Day of ticket purchases will be completely cashless; you can purchase at entry using a credit card or digital payment means such as Apple Pay.
-Tickets will be availalbe online starting the Tuesday prior to the meet (Oct 29).
-Cost of the tickets for each day is $10.
To Pre purchase a ticket:
1) go to (now available)
Prelims Link
Finals Link
2) click on the Buy Tickets button
3) Login or Create an Account
4) Search Venue "Crawfish Aquatics"
5) Click on event you want to attend and purchase the ticket/s
6) Add to your Wallet
7) Attend the event and we will scan your ticket and provide a wristband for entry
Meet Conduct
-Prelim events will be circle seeded and the Top 16 individual event finishers from the prelims, will swim in Finals, with the exception of the 500 Free.
-The 500 Free will be swum as a timed final event in the regular meet event order. The Top 8 swimmers in 500 will swim in the finals session, all other swimmers will swim prelims. The prelim session heats of the 500 will swim slowest to fastest.
-Relay events will be swum in prelims with the top 8 relay teams from prelim sessions swimming in Finals. The relay teams finishing 9-16 in prelim results will be scored as a timed final event. Relay swimmers and alternates (up to 8 names listed per relay) must be submitted with the entry file and will be the only eligible swimmers for that specific relay.
-During each prelim session there will be a 15 minute break and during Finals there will be a 15 minute break following Event #8 50 Free. .
2024 Meet Schedule and Info
Meet Resources
- Pool Map (Layout of Specator Seating/ Team Seating)
- Officials Sign up
- 2024 SEASON TOP 10 (CCSL hosted meets)
Meet Info / Results:
Meet Results are uploaded to the Meet Mobile app throughout the meet.
- October 26 Clusters 1 and 3 . WU- 7:00/7:30am. Meet- 8:00am
- Results (including scores)
- TM File (For Coaches)
- October 19 Clusters 2 and 5
- October 12 Clusters 4 and 6
- September 21 Clusters 3, 4, and 5
- September 14 Clusters 1, 2, and 6
- Results
- TM Results File (coaches)
- September 7 Kick Off Meet
- TM Results File (coaches)
- Female Meet Results
- Male Meet Results
CCSL Championship Meet, Friday-Saturday, November 1-2
-Prelims on Friday in split Female/Male Sessions.
-Session 1-Female, 11am and Session 2- Male, 3:15pm (tentative times- TBD Tuesday before the meet).
-Finals on Saturday will be combined Female / Male in one combined session. 12:00pm (open) warm up; 1:15pm start.
-See CCSL Section of this webpage below.
Meet Flow
Warm up/ Warm down is available in the Record Board pool, in lanes 5-8 only. Lanes 1-4 will be used for Crawfish Aquatics practices. Swimmers may only enter a lane from the block end of the lane, feef first. NO DIVING in the warm up/warm down pool during the meet.
Spectator viewing/seating is available in the outdoor, designated spaces ONLY. The indoor facility is reserved athletes, coaches and meet administration. Outdoor bleachers in Zone A/B are assigned to schools for most meets and NOT for spectator seating. See the pool/facility layout overview and assignments per team, per meet under the Meet Schedule section.
Athlete Heat Line Up- Athletes will line up for heats in the queuing area in the back hallway behind the scoreboard, at least 4 heats ahead of their race, and will flow to the block area as directed by meet admin.
Coach Resources
CCSL League Membership & Meet Requirements- PDF
Meet Participant & Spectator Guidelines- PDF
Team Manager / Meet Entry & Results Help Documents:
Hytek no longer offers a discount for leagues. TM Lite is a free (limited) version. If you are purchasing the full software, the Bronze/Basic package is all you need.
- Team Manager Lite Download Directions- PDF
- Creating Meets & Meet Entries- PDF
- Inputting Swimmer Results after a meet- PDF
2023 CCSL Championship Meet Invitation- PDF
*2024 Invitation will be published at the start of the Season
Invoices for Fees:
Note that League payments are made to CCSL and not Crawfish Aquatics.
Mailing address: 10522 South Glenstone Place, BR, 70810
State Championship Information
See the LHSAA website
Live Stream Enrollment with Live Barn
Important Facility & Parking Info
Meet Participants are ONLY permitted to park in the Crawfish Aquatics parking lot (off of Anselmo Lane), the Renaissance spillover parking lot or the former Advocate parking lot. Meet participants are NOT permitted to park in the front lot off of Bluebonnet (Ketcham Fitness Center member parking only), along the roadway from Anselmo to the pool or in the grass/non-designated spaces.
Dog Policy
Dogs are not allowed on the JSM campus (this includes the Crawfish Aquatics parking lot and common areas and the drive from Anselmo to Bluebonnet that goes through the JSM facilities/lots).
As lesseses of the property, we must abide by the restrictions in place. Thank you for your assistance and understanding.
September 28 Invitational
By invitation only (closed meet)
Meet Invitation
TM Results File (For Coaches)
- Warm Up:
- Session 1 7:30am-7:55am
- Session 2: 8:00am- 8:25am
- Meet Start: 8:35am
Meet Flow and Information
- Live Stream Information (this is a paid subscription through Live Barn)
- Concessions - no concessions (ice chest/food welcome)
- Spectator Seating & viewing- outdoor bleachers and viewing areas only. Tents, chairs for spectators are welcome in designated outdoor spaces- see pool map. Indoor seating & spaces are reserved for athletes and coaches, meet admin. Link to pool layout
- Warm Up/Warm down- The non-compeition pool, lanes 5-8, will be open for warm up / warm down during the meet.
- Dog Policy: Dogs are not allowed on the JSM campus (this includes the Crawfish Aquatics parking lot and common areas and the drive from Anselmo to Bluebonnet that goes through the JSM facilities/lots). As lesseses of the property, we must abide by the restrictions in place. Thank you for your assistance and understanding.
Athlete Line Up for Races: Athletes will line up for heats in the queuing area in the back hallway the scoreboard, at least 6 heats ahead of their race, and will flow to the block area as directed by meet admin. Coaches & athletes only in the back hallway/queing area.